Business Statistics Practice Test 1

Business Statistics Mcqs with Answers 1

Business Statistics Practice Test 1 is designed for Business Students, especially for I.COM, BBA & MBA. 1) The word “Statistics” has been derived from the English word: (A)  Statistica (B)  Status (C)  Statistick (D)  Static [efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer ” text=”Option C“]  [/efaccordion] Advertisement: 2) A Numerical quantity computed from a population …

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Business Mathematics Practice Test 1

Business Mathematics Mcqs with Answers 1

Business Mathematics Practice Test 1 1) 5 in binary system is equivalent to : (A)  10 (B)  101 (C)  100 (D)  110 [efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer ” text=”Option C“]  [/efaccordion] 2) The transpose of the row matrix is: (A)  Diagonal matrix (B)  Column matrix (C)  Scalar matrix (D)  Row matrix [efaccordion …

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Aws Certified Cloud Practice Test

Aws Certified Cloud Practice Test

Test Your Knowledge in Aws Certified Cloud Practice Test 1) Which of the following is a benefit of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) over physical servers? (A)  Paying only for what you use (B)  Automated backup (C)  The ability to choose hardware vendors (D)  Root /administrator access [efaccordion id=”01″] …

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EC-Council Certified Security Specialist

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist

1) Which of the following password cracking attacks is implemented by calculating all the possible hashes for a set of characters? : (A)  SQL injection attack (B)  Dictionary attack (C)  Rainbow attack (D)  Brute force attack [efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option C“]  [/efaccordion]2) Which of the following laws was formed by the …

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Journal, Ledger, and Trial Balance MCQs with Anwers


Word journal is derived from the French word “Jour” which means day, That’s why it is called “Day Book”. Business transactions are recorded in a journal chronologically. Whereas, in business, all accounts have their separate page, which is called a ledger. Finally, Trial Balance is very useful in business. It …

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Accounting Equation MCQs with Answers


Accounting Equation : It is very important and beneficial tool for management. we can define it in these words “The expression of the equality of an entity’s Assets with the claim against them is referred to as the Accounting Equation. The financial position of a business can be checked in …

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Ratio and Proportion – Business Mathematics MCQs

Ratio and Proportions

You will cover here Multiple Choice Questions related to Business Maths’ Ratios and Proportions topic. Take your time and prepare yourself to achieve success 1) The Ratio between 30 male and 10 female is: (A) 1:2 (B) 1:3 (C) 3:1 (D) 2:4 [efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion] 2) The …

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Introduction to Accounting MCQs with Answers

Introduction to Accounting MCQs with Answers – Test Your Mcqs Skills 1)  A  written evidence in supporting business dealing is called: (A)  Business document (B)  Business letter (C)  Voucher (D)  Financial statement Answer: Option C 2)  Creditors are also known as: (A)  Notes payable (B)  Accounts Receivable (C)  Notes payable (D)  …

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