ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management MCQs with Answers – Quiz # 6

ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management MCQs with Answers – Quiz # 6
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Approval of documentation, procedures manuals and work instructions is associated with:
Quality certification requires approval of such materials.
Rodger's seven-point plan refers to:
Rodger's theory relates to a person specification, so C is the correct answer.
Activities aimed at attracting a number of suitable candidates interested in joining an organisation are called:
The process of attracting suitable candidates is referred to as 'recruitment'.
The expectations that the individual and the organisation have of one another is referred to as:
The overall expectations an individual and organisation have of each other form a 'psychological contract'.
Charging a very low price on one item in order to generate customer loyalty and increased sales of other items is called:
Loss leaders are products that have a very low price set with the objective of attracting consumers to buy other products in the range with higher profit margins.
In the context of information systems, a widget is:
A widget is an example of a web 2.0 application.
The TQMEX model is a framework that integrates processes associated with:
The TQMEX model shows the relationship between quality management and other aspects of operations management. The answer must therefore mention these two areas, so C is correct.
In the expectancy theory of motivation 'valence' refers to:
Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory states that valence is the strength of an individual's preference for a certain outcome.
Intelligence, aptitudes and disposition are often factors identified in:
These qualities focus on the person. A job description (option A) explains what is required in a job. Options B and D are part of an appraisal system.
An approach of producing goods or purchasing inventory only when required is known as:
Producing or purchasing items as they are needed is referred to as Just-in-Time (JIT).
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- Quiz # 2 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 3 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 4 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 5 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 6 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 7 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 8 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 9 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 10 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 11 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 12- ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 13 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 14 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 15 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 16 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 17 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
- Quiz # 18 – ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management
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