ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management MCQs with Answers – Quiz # 3

ICMAP- M2- Enterprise Management MCQs with Answers – Quiz # 3
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'Market shakeout' involves the weakest producers exiting a particular market and occurs in a period between :
A shakeout would occur between market growth and market maturity (shaking some of the weaker 'players' out of the market).
The use of 'skim pricing' as a marketing technique will result in:
Skim pricing, otherwise known as market skimming, involves setting an initially high price for a product to take advantage of buyers who are prepared to pay it.
PESTEL analysis can be used to analyse an organisation’s environment. What does the ‘P’ stand for?
In terms of a PESTEL analysis, 'P' standards for political.
Which method of market research would be most appropriate to use where the objective is to explore customers’ unconscious attitudes and motives for behaviour?
The aim of depth interviews is to explore customers’ unconscious attitudes and motives for behaviour.
According to Porter's value chain, the final primary activity is referred to as:
Primary activities are those across the base of the value chain – the supporting or secondary activities being shown above these. The last primary activity is supporting products sold, that is service, so D is correct.
A manufacturer concerned mainly with developing new product features is known as:
A manufacturer who focuses on developing new product features is product orientated.
Which one of the following statements best represents 'a marketing orientation'?
A marketing orientation involves structuring an organisation's activities around the needs of the customer.
Why is the characteristic of a service known as 'perishability' significant in a marketing context?
Perishability refers to the fact that services cannot be stored – for example an appointment at a hair salon. This makes anticipating and responding to levels of demand crucial.
Which of the following can be considered to be customers of a charity? (i) Beneficiaries (ii) Trustees (iii) Regulators (iv) The government
The government is not considered to be a customer of a charity. Beneficiaries, supporters, regulators and stakeholders (including trustees) are.
Undifferentiated market positioning involves the targeting of:
Undifferentiated marketing involves producing a single product and getting as many customers as possible to buy it. There is no market segmentation.
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