Entrepreneurship MCQs with Answers

Entrepreneurship MCQs with Answers

Questions 1 to 20

1. An individual who undertakes the creation, organization, and ownership of a business.

Correct! Wrong!

2. An entrepreneur who introduces new goods technology and better combination of an enterprise is an--------------------- entrepreneur.

Correct! Wrong!

3. An entrepreneur who is a dynamic person and is interested in establishing a business enterprise is called --------------------- entrepreneur.

Correct! Wrong!

4. A person who owns , operate and takes risk of a business venture.

Correct! Wrong!


5. The primary motivating force behind entrepreneur is.

Correct! Wrong!

6. Who can become an entrepreneur?

Correct! Wrong!

7. People who work for someone else.

Correct! Wrong!

8. ---------------------- is the most important function of an entrepreneur according to Schumpeter.

Correct! Wrong!

9. ----------------------- has a vital role in the economic growth of a country.

Correct! Wrong!

10. -----------------------Urges a person to move or behave.

Correct! Wrong!

11. An ------------------ is his own boss.

Correct! Wrong!

12. Who introduces the need hierarchy theory?

Correct! Wrong!

13. Innovation means --------------------.

Correct! Wrong!

14. The word entrepreneur is derived from the --------------- word.

Correct! Wrong!

15. ----------------- is a situation where the individuals do not get any jobs.

Correct! Wrong!

16. P E R T stands for.

Correct! Wrong!

17. C P M stands for:

Correct! Wrong!

18 --------------------- is the combination of activities and of a project.

Correct! Wrong!

19. “An Entrepreneur reduces uncertainty in his/her plan of investment, diversification of production and expansion of the enterprise. He is a self-confident and highly optimistic person, willing to assume the risks involved in an innovation, new business and expansion of Existing Venture.” .”. Which of the following Entrepreneurial function of an Entrepreneur is highlighted in Quoted lines?

Correct! Wrong!

20. Which of these actions of an entrepreneur will most likely result in creative destruction?

Correct! Wrong!

Questions 21 to 40

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21. The entrepreneurial motivations of individuals usually relate to which of the following factors?

Correct! Wrong!

22. Many entrepreneurs lack _____ for their new venture.

Correct! Wrong!

23. Which of the following is critical to a product’s success?

Correct! Wrong!

24. A common pitfall in selecting a new venture is:

Correct! Wrong!


25. Name the pitfall described by the statement, “Engineers and technically trained people are particularly prone to falling in love with an idea for a product or service.”

Correct! Wrong!

26. Poor financial understanding is characterised by which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

27. Venture classifications include which of the following types of venture?

Correct! Wrong!

28. Three specific phases that a new venture goes through are:

Correct! Wrong!

 29. The type of venture that is expected to attract venture capital would most likely be a:

Correct! Wrong!

 30. Which of the following as a factor contributing to new-venture failure?

Correct! Wrong!

31. Using the failure prediction model discussed in the chapter, the risk of failure can be reduced by:

Correct! Wrong!

32. Which of the following is a major reason for the failure of a new venture?

Correct! Wrong!

33. Rapid technological advances in many industries cause a concern for ____  in new venture development.

Correct! Wrong!

34. Market feasibility analysis relies on:

Correct! Wrong!

35. An approach developed as a criteria selection list from which entrepreneurs can gain insights into the viability of their venture is the:

Correct! Wrong!

36. Which one of the following theories has the attribute of moderate risk-taking as a function of skill, not chance?

Correct! Wrong!

37. A ______________ is a professional money manager who makes risk investments from a pool of equity capital to obtain a high rate of return on investments.

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

38. The business plan should be prepared by:

Please select 2 correct answers

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39. External forces directly affect all of the following EXCEPT:

Correct! Wrong!

40. Government can help in forming new ventures by providing:

Correct! Wrong!

Questions 41 to 50

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41. Gazelles are the firms with:

Correct! Wrong!

42. Professional support network includes following EXCEPT:

Correct! Wrong!

43. The period in which the money person entered into a contract with the go-between to sell his goods is known as

Correct! Wrong!

44. Which one of the Following is not the way by which an entrepreneur can enter into international business?

Correct! Wrong!


45. ______________ viewed the entrepreneur as a risk taker who "buy(s) at an uncertain price, therefore operating at a risk".

Correct! Wrong!

46. Female entrepreneurs differ from male entrepreneurs in terms of all of the following EXCEPT:

Correct! Wrong!

47. An entrepreneur into the hosiery business found out the reason his hosiery was not selling was due to its color. What could be the best source of this information?

Correct! Wrong!

48. Which of the following factors does not affect a person for being an entrepreneur?

Correct! Wrong!


49. Which of the following factors does not affect a person for being an entrepreneur?

Correct! Wrong!

50. The former USSR received technology and syrup from Pepsi and provided it with Soviet vodka and rights to distribute it in the US. This is an example of:

Correct! Wrong!

For more Entrepreneurship MCQs with Answers, Click the following links:

1 to 50, 51 to 100, 101 to 150, 151 to 200, 201 to 250, 251 to 300, 301 to more

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