NTS NAT I-COM Principles of Commerce Test-1
This is the First Test for the Series of NTS Online NTS NAT Test for I.COM students covering the subject Principles of Commerce (POC). This test comprise of 20 Questions relating to Principles of Commerce (POC). This test help students to Test their ability in this particular subject and it will give them confidence to sit in the NTS Exams for NAT-I.COM Test.
Which one of the following is not an economic objective of the business:-
Identification of opportunities to get first more advantage is one of the importance of business environment
Which of the following is not a function of management?
Name two broad categories of business activities:-
Human activities are of _____ types:-
Human activities can be classified as Economic and Non-Economic Activities. Economic activity involves the production, distribution, and consumption of all goods and services. A noneconomic activity is done with no intention of earning a profit or any money.
Economic activities may be classified into business, ____ & employment.
What tasks does Human resource management involve?
Which of the following is not a feature of Business environment
Which one of the following may not be a factor behind starting a business:-
Which factor doesn’t describe management as science:-
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