IAS 7 Quiz – Presentation of information in the Cash Flow Statement MCQs with Answers

IAS 7 Quiz – Presentation of information in the Cash Flow Statement MCQs with Answers

A cash flow statement is a financial statement that provides aggregate data regarding all cash inflows a company receives from its ongoing operations and external investment sources. It also includes all cash outflows that pay for business activities and investments during a given period.

Now Let’s check your knowledge about the IAS 7 Presentation of Information in the cash flow statement Quiz.


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A cash flow statement provides information that enables users to evaluate the changes in:

Correct! Wrong!

Daily sales and purchases, employee costs and general overheads comprise:

Correct! Wrong!

The acquisition, and disposal, of long-term assets are:

Correct! Wrong!

Activities that result in changes in the size (and composition) of the equity capital and borrowings are:

Correct! Wrong!


For an investment to qualify as a cash equivalent, it must be:

Correct! Wrong!

The maximum maturity of a cash equivalent is:

Correct! Wrong!

Statement of cash flows governed by

Correct! Wrong!

The major activities highlighted by Statement of Cash flows international standards are....

Correct! Wrong!


The following are deemed to be cash and cash equivalents as per the standards except:

Correct! Wrong!

In the Cash flow statement the dividend paid is part of the .....

Correct! Wrong!

Increase in receivables will be shown in .......

Correct! Wrong!

Cash and cash equivalents at 31st March 2018 = $ (40,000) and 1st April 2017=$135,000. How much is the movement in cash flow for year ended 31st March 2018?

Correct! Wrong!


Issue of debentures, Redemption of debentures, issue of shares and dividend payment will be shown in :

Correct! Wrong!

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