Business Statistics Practice Test 1 is designed for Business Students, especially for I.COM, BBA & MBA.
1) The word “Statistics” has been derived from the English word:
(A) Statistica
(B) Status
(C) Statistick
(D) Static
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer ” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion]Advertisement:
2) A Numerical quantity computed from a population is called:
(A) Statistic
(B) Attribute
(C) Parameter
(D) Body
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion]3) A table has at least how many parts?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer ” text=”Option A“] [/efaccordion]4) A pie chart consists of a ____subdivided into different sectors:
(A) Circle
(B) Triangle
(C) Rectangle
(D) Parabola
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion]5) To find out size of shoes, the best average is:
(A) G.M
(B) H.M
(C) Mode
(D) None of these
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option B“] [/efaccordion](A) 10
(B) 15
(C) 5
(D) 20
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion]7) Index number for base period is always:
(A) Zero
(B) 80
(C) 100
(D) None
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer ” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion]8) Link relatives are obtained by:
9) Pr (Diamond card) =
(A) 13/52
(B) 1/52
(C) 26/52
(D) 0
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion](10) Probability is measurement of ______ :
(A) Certainty
(B) Uncertainty
(C) Quality
(D) None
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Answer” text=”Option C“] [/efaccordion]11) Now a day the World Statistic can be expressed in how many ways:
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
12) Number of weeks in a month is an example of:
(A) Discrete variable
(B) Continuous variable
(C) Attribute
(D) Constant
13) The process of arranging data into rows and columns is called:
(A) Frequency distribution
(B) Tabulation
(C) Classification
(D) Ogive
14) A statistical table has at least:
(A) One part
(B) Two parts
(C) Three parts
(D) Four parts
15) We must arrange the data before calculating:
(A) A.M
(B) Median
(C) Mode
(D) Mode
16) Arithmetic Mean is based on:
(A) Extreme values
(B) Middle value
(C) All the values
(D) Most common value
17) For averaging the relatives, we never use:
(A) A.M
(B) G.M
(C) Median
(D) Mode
18) Fisher Index Number is of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s Index Numbers:
(A) A.M
(B) G.M
(C) Median
(D) Mode
19) The Maximum sum of dots when a die is tossed two time is :
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 36
(D) 12