Business Sociology MCQs with Answers Pdf

Business Sociology MCQs with Answers

Business Sociology MCQs with Answers Pdf

1. The word “Sociology” is derived from-

(a) Society and logus

(b) Society and study

(c) Societus and logos

(d) Societus and study

Ans. c

2. The term Sociology was coined by-

(a) Maciver and page in 1876

(b) Auguste Comte in 1839

(c) Aristotle in 1739

(d) Simmel in 1860

Ans. b

3. “Man is a social animal” who said-

(a) Aristotle

(b) Plato

(c) Herbart Spencer

(d) Carl Marx

Ans. a

4. Sociology is the-

(a) Study of health system

(b) Study of human behaviour

(c) Study of society

(d) Study of socio-economic institutions

Ans. c

5. Who said – sociology is a “value free science”

(a) Max Weber

(b) Raymond Murry

(c) L.F. Ward

(d) Herbert Spencer

Ans. a

6. Who said “Where there is life, there is society”.

(a) E.B. Tylar

(b) Bogardus

(c) Herbert Spencer

(d) MacIver & Page

Ans. d

7. What was the reason of origin of society-

(a) Revolution

(b) God’s will

(c) Evolution

(d) Competition

Ans. c

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8. Sociology is a-

(a) Natural science

(b) Social science

(c) Applied science

(d) Physical science

Ans. b

9. “Sociology is a science for scientific development” this definition of sociology was given by-

(a) G.D. Mitchell

(b) Mac Iver & Page

(c) Max Weber

(d) Carl Marx

Ans. a

10. In sociology the word society is used for –

(a) The persons living in a definite geographical area

(b) The persons of same religion

(c) Groups and institution

(d) The system of social relationships

Ans. d

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11. Which of the following is characteristic of society-

(a) Inter-dependence

(b) Differences and likeness

(c) Reciprocal social relationship

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

12. “Society is a network of social relationships” was said by-

(a) Ogburn

(b) Devis

(c) Maclver

(d) Cooley

Ans. c

13. One of the shortcoming of sociology is-

(a) Lack of Experimentation

(b) Lack of exactivity

(c) Lack of objectivity

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

14. Which of the following statement is correct about society-

(a) Individuals can exist without society

(b) Society is the scientific study of social relationships 

(c) Individual and society are interdependent

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. d

15. Which of the following statement is true-

(a) Society means likeness

(b) Society means mutual aids

(c) Society implies differences

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

16. Which of the following is a element of Community-

(a) Definite geographical area

(b) Group of people

(c) Community sentiment and we feeling

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

17. “Man is a social animal” because-

(a) Man’s nature and need make him so

(b) Society was born with him

(c) He has been living in society since the birth of civilization

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

18. Language is essential to society because-

(a) Without language men can not exist in society

(b) It makes social contacts easy

(c) It satisfies man’s need for expression

(d) None of these

Ans. b

19. Which the theory shows many points of resemblance between society and the human body:

(a) Natural theory

(b) Cultural theory

(c) Evolution theory

(d) Organic theory

Ans. c

20. Which of the following is the correct theory of the origin of the society-

(a) Carl marxs theory

(b) Social contract theory

(c) Theory of divine right

(d) Evolution theory

Ans. d

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21. The unity and stability of the Indian society depends upon-

(a) Class system

(d) None of the above

(c) Caste and religion

(b) Religion and culture

Ans. c

22 Man’s behavior in society is determined mainly by-

(a) Formal and informal forces

(b) Natural and unnatural forces

(c) Physical and social forces

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

23. A group of people organized for a particular purpose is known as-

(a) Community

(b) Society

(c) Association

(d) Crowd

Ans. c

24. Which of the following is an element of community-

(a) A group of people

(b) Definite locality

(c) Common modes of life

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

25. Which of the following agency is responsible for the process of socialization-

(a) Family

(b) School

(c) Peer group

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

26. Socialization is a process which-

(a) Regulates human behavior

(b) Continues throughout life

(c) Is based on learning process

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

27. Which of the following is not a unit of social structure-

(a) Groups

(b) Associations

(c) Social unity

(d) Institution

correct Ans. c

28. Which of the following statement is correct about accommodation-

(a) Accommodation is a social process

(b) Accommodation is a continuous and universal process

(c) Accommodation is the natural result of conflict

(d) All are correct

Ans. d

29. Which of the following is not a associative social process-

(a) Cooperation

(b) Competition

(c) Assimilation

(d) Integration

Ans. b

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30. Assimilation is a-

(a) Associative social process

(b) Dissociative social process 

(c) Psychological process

(d) Mental process

Ans. a

31. Competition is a –

(a) Mental process

(b) Political process

(c) Economic group

(d) Social process

Ans. d

32. Which among the following is based on direct co-operation-

(a) Government

(b) Church

(c) Family

(d) Economic institution

Ans. c

33. An association is characterized by-

(a) Customs

(b) Norms

(c) Mores

(d) Habits

Ans. b

34. Which among the following is an organization-

(a) School

(b) Hospital

(c) Court

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

35. Which of the following is not an organization:

(a) Factory

(b) School

(c) Court

(d) Many foreigners in Mumbai

Ans. d

sociology chapter 1 multiple choice questions

36. The nature of a crowd is-

(a) Transitory

(b) Continous

(c) Permanent

(d) Stable

Ans. a

37. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cast-

(a) It is determined by birth only

(b) Restriction on marriage

(c) No restriction on occupation

(d) Restriction on food habit

Ans. c

38. Human society has been cradled in rural groups,  who said-

(a) Bogardus

(b) Ginsberg

(c) Maciver

(d) Kimbal young

Ans. c

39. Status and rank characterize the members of-

(a) Community

(b) Society

(c) Group

(d) Caste

Ans. d

40. Which of the following is an organization:

(a) World Bank

(b) U.N.O.

(c) RSS

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

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41. Herbert spencer is the author of-

(a) Class struggle

(b) Revolution

(c) Social evolution

(d) Independent India

Ans. c

42. Which of the following is an example of an association-

(a) State

(b) Trade union

(c) Cricket club

(d) All

Ans. d

43. Caste is an example of:

(a) Achieved status

(c) Pre-set status

(c) Ascribed status

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

44 “Group is a collection of human beings who are brought into social relationships with one another”. Who gave this definition-

(a) Maciver

(b) Ogburn

(c) Kingsely Devis

(d) Max Weber

Ans. d

45. Which of the following is a characteristic of a social group-

(a) Reciprocal relations

(b) Sense of unity

(c) Common interest

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

46. “We feeling’ is a essential feature of- 

(a) Nationality group

(b) Racial group

(c) Primary group

(d) Secondary Group

Ans. c

47. Which of the following is a primary group-

(a) Trade union

(b) School

(c) Political group

(d) Family

Ans. d

48. Which of the following is an example of secondary group-

(a) Family

(b) Political party

(c) Labor union

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. d

49. Which of the following is not a secondary group:

(a) A peer group

(b) Labor union

(c) Neighborhood

(d) Both (a) and (c)

Ans. d

50. An In-group is characterized by:

(a) Feeling of difference

(b) Intimate and personal relationship

(c) Formal relationship

(d) Jealous feeling

Ans. b

51. Which of the following is a component of group life-

(b) Common interest

(a) We-feeling

(c) Sense of unity

(d) All

Ans. d

52. Groups were classified into primary groups and secondary groups by-

(a) Cooley

(b) Sumner

(c) Ginsberg

(d) Gillin and Gillin

Ans. a

53. Which of the following is not a primary kin-

(a) Mother

(b) Father

(c) Brother

(d) Wife’s brother

Ans. d

54. The rule that one must marry within one’s own caste, is called-

(a) Exogamy

(b) Endogamy

(c) Monogamy

(d) Polygamy

Ans. b

55. Exogamy is defined as-

(a) Marriage outside the group

(b) Marriage within the group

(c) An experimental marriage

(d) None of the these

Ans. a

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56. Which of the following is the most common form of marriage in the world-

(a) Polyandry

(b) Monogamy

(c) Polygyny

(d) Sororal

Ans. b

57. Essential function of family is-

(a) Sexual satisfaction

(b) Procreation

(c) Provision of home

(d) All

Ans. d

58. The rule of residence generally followed in a society is-

(a) Petri-local

(b) Matri-local

(c) Bio-local

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

59. Polyandry is the form of marriage which means-

(a) One woman marries several man

(b) One woman has one husband

(c) One man marries more than one woman at a time

(d) Live in relationship

Ans. a

60. Which factor does not affect population density-

(a) Climate

(b) Surface of land

(c) Fertility of soil

(d) Pollution

Ans. d

61. Which of the following state has the largest

(a) Madhaya Pradesh

(b) Uttar Pradesh

(c) Rajasthan

(d) Maharashtra

Ans. b

62. Which of the following continents contains maximum population-

(a) Africa

(b) Asia

(c) Europe

(d) Europe

Ans. b

63 Which of the following is not a characteristic of rural community-

(a) Joint family

(b) Simplicity of life

(c) Community consciousness

(d) Social distance

Ans. d

64. A scientific study of relations between organism and environment is known as-

(a) Demography

(b) Physiology

(c) Zoology

(d) Ecology

Ans. d

industrial sociology mcq

65.  “Population when unchecked increases in geometrical ratio, subsistence increases in arthmetical ratio.” who said these words about population growth-

(a) Freud

(b) Auguste Comte

(c) Malthus

(d) Carl marx

Ans. c

66. Social stratification means-

(a) Social equality

(b) Social control

(c) Social inequality

(d) Social change

Ans. c

67. The caste system is-

(a) Unique in India

(b) A Social institution

(c) Has made segmental division of society

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

68. Social stratificaiton means-

(a) Classification of society into group and intergroup

(b) Classification of society into castes and class

(c) Classification of society into religious ana economic group

(d) All of the above

Ans. b

69. All of the following factors have contribute break the caste system in India except

(a) Constitution and democracy

(b) Industrialization and urbanization

(c) The policy of reservation

(d) Means of transport and communication

Ans. c

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70. Mobility is the feature of-

(a) Caste system

(b) Class system

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

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