<p><b>Become A Certified Node JS Developer: Practice Tests 2</b></p> <p><span style=”font-size: revert; color: initial;”>Google Ads:</span></p> <p><script async=”” src=”https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-2142220279933463″ crossorigin=”anonymous”></script></p> <p><!– Automatic Size –></p> <p><ins class=”adsbygoogle” style=”display: block;” data-ad-client=”ca-pub-2142220279933463″ data-ad-slot=”2008244760″ data-ad-format=”auto” data-full-width-responsive=”true”></ins> <script><br /> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});<br /> </script></p> <p>
Which of the following is the correct syntax to initiate the Node.js File?
node filename.js is the correct option. The correct syntax to initiate the Node.js File is node filename.js.
Which of the following route parameter formats are valid?
/books/!:from-:to is the correct option.
Which of the following keyword is used to make properties and methods available outside the module file?
exports is the correct option. The exports keyword is used to make properties and methods available outside the module file.
Which of the following is a GUI-based debugging tool for Node.js?
Node Inspector is the correct option. Node Inspector is a GUI-based debugging tool for Node.js.
What is the use of underscore variable in REPL session in Node.js?
It is used to get the last result is the correct option. In Node.js, the underscore variable in REPL session is used to get the last result.
The buffer class is a global class that can be accessed without importing a buffer module.
True is the correct option. A buffer class is a global class that can be accessed in the application without importing a buffer module.
What is the main usage of Node.js terminal (REPL)?
For testing Node.js/JavaScript expressions is the correct option. The Node.js terminal (REPL) is used for testing Node.js/JavaScript expressions.
Which of the following tool is used to automate the various tasks of the Node.js application?
GruntJS is the correct option. GruntJS tool is used to automate the various tasks of the Node.js application.
Which of the following method can append specified content to a file?
fs.appendFile() is the correct option. The fs.appendFile() method is used to append the specified content to a file. If the file does not exist, it creates the file.
Which of the following method is used to compare the placement of two nodes in the DOM hierarchy (document)?
compareDocumentPosition() is the correct option. The compareDocumentPosition() method compares the placement of two nodes in the DOM hierarchy (document).
Which of the following Node.js object property is used to return the node immediately before a node?
previousSibling is the correct option. The previousSibling object property is used to return the node immediately before a node.
Which of the following is used to test if two nodes are equal?
isEqualNode() is the correct option. The "isEqualNode()" is used to test if two nodes are equal.
Which of the following areas, Node.js, is not advised to be used?
CPU intensive applications is the correct option. It is not advisable to use Node.js for CPU-intensive applications.
Which of the following shortcut command is used to kill a process in Node.js?
Ctrl + C is the correct option. The Ctrl + C command is used to kill a process in Node.js.
Which of the following statement is used to execute the code of the sample.js file?
node sample.js is the correct option. The "node sample.js" statement is used to execute the code of the sample.js file.
How many Node object methods are available?
18 is the correct option. There are 18 object methods available in Node.
Which of the following types of applications can be built using Node.js?
All of the them is the correct option. All of the them types of applications can be built by using Node.js.
Which of the following module is required to create a web server?
url module is the correct option. The url module is required to create a web server.
Which of the following is not a valid language for Node.js?
Java is the correct option. Java is not a valid language for Node.js.
Which of the following platforms does Node.js support?
All of the them is the correct option. Node.js is supported on All of the them written operating systems.