It is used to create a new React app is the correct option. The create-react-app command in the React.js application is used to create a new React app.
All of the them is the correct option.
ECMAScript 6 is the correct option. ES6 stands for ECMAScript 6. ECMAScript was created to standardize JavaScript. ES6 is the 6th version of ECMAScript published in 2015. It is also known as ECMAScript 2015.
super() is the correct answer. The super() method refers to the parent class. If you want to call the parent's constructor method and get access to the parent's properties and methods, you can achieve it by calling the super() method in the constructor.
Props is the correct answer. Props are used to pass data to a component from outside in React.js.
Invoke code after the setState operation is done is the correct option.
ReactDOM.destroy() is the correct answer as ReactDOM.destroy() method is not a part of ReactDOM. ReactDOM provides the developers with an API containing the methods such as render(), findDOMNode(), unmountComponentAtNode(), hydrate(), and createPortal().
False is the correct option. React is a part of Java Script.
render() is the correct option. React renders HTML to the web page by using a function called ReactDOM.render().
It will be rendered as enabled is the correct answer. If you render an input element with disabled = {false}, it will be rendered as enabled.
this.setState is the correct option. The "this.setState" function is used to change the state of the React.js component.
"Key" prop is a way for React to identify a newly added item in a list and compare it during the "diffing" algorithm is the correct answer. It is used to identify any new item in a list when re-rendering. It improves performance and efficiency also.
The source of truth is a component state is the correct option. For controlled components in React.js, the source of truth is a component state.
Both of the above is the correct option. In React.js, the static getDerivedSateFromProps(props, state) is called in both cases when a component is created and when a component is updated.
Jordan Walke is the correct option. React was originally created by Jordan Walke
By using the default Value property is the correct option. We can set a default value for an uncontrolled form field by using the default Value property.
Asynchronous in nature is the correct answer. The call to setState() method in React.js is asynchronous, and multiple calls can be batched for better performance.
It will re-render the component is the correct answer. In React.js, as soon as the state is updated, the component re-renders itself.
The source of truth is DOM is the correct answer. For uncontrolled components in React.js, the source of truth is component DOM.
Unique among the siblings only is the correct option. Keys given to the list of elements in React should be unique among the siblings only.
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